Should I Play Airsoft With My Dust Cover Open

Should I Play Airsoft With My Dust Cover Open

Zip ties are airsoft thespian's best friend

Probably every home DIY enthusiast knows nil ties. They are an indispensable element of many repairs. Their versatility meant that they establish their identify also in many other areas and it must be admitted that they perform very well in airsoft. I often have a pack of ties of various lengths with me on a skirmish, so sometimes slight impairment to the replica does not eliminate me or her from the game. At this point, I would like to introduce you to some uses of this object that I used myself, only I will not exist revealing if I say that the zero ties are like dirt. It is only upward to united states what we use them for, because they tin can accept many different forms.

Anyone who records their games knows that mounting a camera, power bank or otheraccessories tin can cause a headache. Afterward a few attempts with other materials, I just bind nigh of these items with cable ties. And so, I have the camera cable along the head mount to the ability source, which is also attached in the same way. If I demand to change the configuration, for example, I go to a game with a helmet, I just cut the bands. A simple and durable solution that is very easy to recreate, so I exercise not need a divide power bank for a helmet or a cap ring.

zip ties asg

Recently, I had the opportunity to take a new replica of the AK serial fromSpecna Arms to a skirmish. Unfortunately, I don't have many accessories for these airsoft guns , so to my despair I discovered that I might have a problem with attaching the sling. For a person like me, who is used to operating with the light Cadre series Specna, it might become very problematic. However, the zip ties came to the rescue. Thanks to a few loops from the ties, I obtained several attachment points, thanks to which mysling had something to catch.

accessories for airsoft gun

Sometimes nosotros want to try something new. We are bored with all-day walks in the wood and we try CQB. Until one time we see an announcement that they are organizing a dark game in the local arena. Information technology may happen that, without expecting such a game, we will not even accept a goodflashlight mountain. This situation happened to me a few months agone. There was no time to order a defended mounting bracket, so I used… zip ties. It wasn't the near elegant solution, but it worked and then information technology was worth it.

It is sometimes so easy to modify a motor.

A few years agone, for the beginning time, I wanted to replace themotor in my airsoft gun. Back then, I was using an ordinary series engine, which just warmed up with a strongerjump and battery. Fortunately, it's not difficult to find a good engine. Then my choice roughshod on the  high torque model from the Tornado, which I was satisfied with. I know that the topic of selecting an engine for a replica could easily have a carve up article or more, so peradventure I volition not write about information technology hither. However, I wanted to deal with something much simpler. At least in the case of AR15 and similar replicas. Well, replacing the engine in these constructions is extremely simple! But unscrew the plate on the bottom of the pistol grip, disconnect the wires, remove the motor and reassemble everything with the new motor in the reverse social club.

motor asg

motor in airsoft gun

At that place is a flake more work with airsoft guns of other designs. On my G36, I need to remove the entiregearbox and engine assembly. Unscrew the engine retainer and only and then tin can information technology be replaced. A chip more work with it, but it is also not very hard, because we even so manage to do information technology without opening the gearbox itself.

What should be cleaned?

Many people wonder how they can improve the performance of the airsoft gun correct after its purchase. There is probably nothing boggling about it, later on all, if we can, we will gladly give ourselves a bit of advantage on the battlefield, if we have such a possibility. Nonetheless, non everyone realizes that, together with a replica, we often get a very good tool that tin help us amend its performance. Of class, we are talking nearly cleaning rod! More than one time I am surprised how much dirt can be in the barrel of a replica, even directly out of the box, permit alone one that has already had a few games behind it. It is no wonder. We shoot in forests or old buildings, where at that place is a lot of grit that settles not only direct on our gun, but likewise on magazines and BBs, which transfer this dirt to the inside of the barrel. Cleaning this chemical element is extremely simple and tin can help improve the accuracy and focus of our shots. It is plenty to put a piece of paper towel on the cease of the rod, moisten it with a cleaning agent (I use isopropyl booze) and smoothly wipe the entire length of the barrel, taking care not to reach the hop-up chamber, which, however, should be dry. If the piece of paper pulled out afterward such handling is very dingy, we can repeat the activeness and it's set!

airsoft parts

It is too worth cleaning other movable and optical elements of our replica. I use wet wipes one time in a while to wipe the lenses in my cherry-red dots. I did the same when using the scopes. Thanks to this, there is no problem that muddied glass volition worsen our visibility. As well, I generally try to wipe the replica with wet wipes, for example ones dedicated for function equipment, after a game. Such wipes commonly practice not have polishing agents similar those for article of furniture and give the replica a nice matt surface. Cheers to these measures, minor dirt does non deteriorate the operation of the replicas, then they will serve us longer.

Finally, consider cleaning your magazines. In my case it is easier because I apply the aforementioned fix ofmagazines for both main airsoft guns. The procedure hither is quite simple to gear up, merely requires some attention due to the fact that the magazines have a few small-scale parts on the springs that can hands wing out when taking the magazine apart and get lost. In whatsoever case, cleaning the mag requires disassembling it. Most often, the cartridge is placed in the crush and held on with a screw. After unscrewing it, remove the insert and carefully pull out the springs pushing theBBs then as not to lose anything. Using paper towels and a flake of isopropyl booze, clean the mag insert and assemble it back one time done. Personally, I practice not recommend lubricating the magazine inside. In my opinion, information technology only attracts clay. In addition, the BBs in contact with the lubricated jump can contaminate the hop-upwards rubber in our replica, which may cause it to spin the BBs worse.


If we want our replicas not to break down, the best way to achieve information technology is not to use them. Notwithstanding, I adhere to the principle that information technology is better to use them as intended and have them to airsoft games. Therefore, it is skillful to know yourequipment and be able to take care of it. The advice provided in the text is essential, but volition help with some of common minor faults. Maybe thank you to this we will salve some funds for the help of service technicians and we will be able to spend them on tuning or dream equipment. Let me know if y'all repair replicas yourself and if the tips presented today turned out to be useful for you.

Author: Boreq

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Should I Play Airsoft With My Dust Cover Open

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