Do You Have Orange on a Airsoft Gun

Do You Have Orange on a Airsoft Gun

I was just wondering, tin can I spray paint a two tone (orangish) airsoft gun into another two tone colour, i.e. green?

Cause i hate the brightness of the orange and desire to spray pigment information technology to this kind of greenish:
or this kind of blue:

And i'm besides wondering, can I cover upwardly my ak47 in camouflage burlap but even so exit over 51% two tone?

God i HATE two tone guns.

I got my AK47 way mode before the police changed - i Could never take a ii tone gun, it defeats the whole concept of camouflage.

I propose that you but get a license by attending an airsoft skirmish site x corporeality of times, and then you can legally have it whatever color y'all want - gotta say, blackness Ak's look pretty cool, or camo would be sick.

(Original post past Spetznaaz)
God i HATE ii tone guns.

I got my AK47 mode way before the law changed - i Could never have a two tone gun, it defeats the whole concept of camouflage.

I advise that you lot just get a license by attending an airsoft skirmish site ten amount of times, so you can legally have it whatever color you want - gotta say, black Ak'southward look pretty absurd, or camo would exist ill.

i don't really wanna get a ukara license and all that, i just want an airsoft gun and i don't heed if it's two tone, i just mind if it'south orange.

If you don't programme on walking around in public with it surely you can paint information technology whatsoever colour you want, who would know?

(Original mail by AgentSushi)
If y'all don't plan on walking around in public with it surely you tin paint it whatever colour you lot want, who would know?

well, for obvious reasons, i don't go around in public with my AK, but i'g non 18 however and i wanna go skirmishing, and then it does affair a fleck

Someone correct me if i'grand wrong but doesn't new air-soft two tone law only apply in regards to the actual sale of the weapon? As in you may have to buy a two tone gun and information technology is illegal for you to buy one that isn't however in one case you officially own it y'all can color it however you like.

(Original post by Spetznaaz)
God i HATE ii tone guns.

I got my AK47 way way before the law changed - i Could never have a two tone gun, it defeats the whole concept of camouflage.

I advise that you merely get a license by attending an airsoft skirmish site x amount of times, then you tin legally accept it whatever color you lot want - gotta say, black Ak's look pretty absurd, or camo would be sick.

There's no such thing as a license. The VCRA makes it a criminal offense to sell a realistic faux firearm, just at that place's a defense to this whereby it is immune if it'south being used for certain things, 1 of which is airsoft skirmishing at an insured site. A "license" (actually a UKARA grade) does not itself give you the right to buy a realistic airsoft gun, information technology is just a way for the person selling the gun to check that you lot are using it for airsoft skirmishing and therefore the defense is valid.

The bad news is that converting a two-tone into a realistic gun past painting it is against the law equally set out in the VCRA. The good news is that the same defense applies if it's being used for airsoft skirmishing - but the onus would be on yous to show that. Personally I wouldn't do it unless I had UKARA or something like official membership of an airsoft site as then you've got some solid evidence to autumn dorsum on, rather than just your word that you're using information technology for skirmishing. For the time being y'all might want to play it prophylactic by only using burlap or something to comprehend information technology temporarily when yous're using it, and removing information technology the residual of the time, and then repainting it once you've got UKARA

Edit: Y'all could too repaint the orangish a unlike color provided it'south kept "unrealistic", and so brilliant green, bluish, etc. The greenish in the picture y'all've linked to is fine, the blue is probably too night. They're ordinarily sold with this sort of blueish:

(Original post by Darth Stewie)
Someone right me if i'one thousand incorrect merely doesn't new air-soft ii tone police force simply employ in regards to the actual sale of the weapon? Equally in you may take to purchase a ii tone gun and it is illegal for you to buy 1 that isn't withal in one case you lot officially own information technology you tin can color information technology nonetheless you like.

:nah: In that location'south four extra (relevant) things that are illegal due to the VCRA: Selling a realistic imitation firearm, manufacturing one, converting an unrealistic ane into a realistic one, and importing a realistic i. The same defenses apply to all of them though.

(Original post past Potally_Tissed)
The bad news is that converting a two-tone into a realistic gun by painting information technology is against the law equally ready out in the VCRA. The proficient news is that the same defense applies if it'southward being used for airsoft skirmishing - simply the onus would be on y'all to prove that. Personally I wouldn't practise it unless I had UKARA or something like official membership of an airsoft site as then you've got some solid bear witness to fall back on, rather than just your word that yous're using it for skirmishing. For the time being you lot might desire to play it safe by just using burlap or something to comprehend it temporarily when you're using it, and removing it the residuum of the time, then repainting it once yous've got UKARA

Edit: You could also repaint the orange a dissimilar colour provided information technology's kept "unrealistic", so vivid green, blue, etc. The green in the film you lot've linked to is fine, the blue is probably likewise dark. They're usually sold with this sort of blue:

YUS! I'thousand gonna spray it into a bright light-green simply like that src g36! Hate orange so much!

Hmmm wondering how I got an all black metal sniper rifle, didn't even have an orange tip :/

(Original post by ZRO)
Hmmm wondering how I got an all black metal sniper rifle, didn't fifty-fifty have an orange tip :/

When and where did you purchase it?

Prior to 2006, there were no restrictions on them. Even after that, if you find someone slightly dodgy who's willing to ignore the fact that they're committing a crime, information technology'due south withal possible you lot'd find someone willing to sell you one.

(Original post past Potally_Tissed)
When and where did you buy information technology?

Prior to 2006, in that location were no restrictions on them. Even later that, if you find someone slightly dodgy who's willing to ignore the fact that they're committing a crime, information technology's still possible y'all'd discover someone willing to sell you lot one.

Few years ago by Main Irish Airsoft, they shipped information technology. Not sure it'due south even legal for them to do that lol only heres the link to their website.

If it was earlier the VCRA came into effect in 2006 and so it makes sense. After that... peradventure y'all just got lucky with customs Personally I wouldn't chance it. I've got UKARA anyway at the moment so if I did want to buy a new gun it wouldn't be a problem.

(Original post by Potally_Tissed)
If information technology was before the VCRA came into upshot in 2006 then information technology makes sense. After that... perchance you but got lucky with customs Personally I wouldn't hazard it. I've got UKARA anyhow at the moment and so if I did desire to buy a new gun it wouldn't be a trouble.

Haha I think information technology was after 2006 so I think i did become lucky I actually want a total metal pistol though.... Know any skillful sites? And ahh thats absurd, I don't really skirmish tbf so I couldn't get one of them.

(Original post by ZRO)
Haha I think it was after 2006 so I think i did become lucky I really want a full metal pistol though.... Know any good sites? And ahh thats absurd, I don't really skirmish tbf so I couldn't get ane of them.

Total metal is overrated, there's nil wrong with a decent one that's one-half plastic. Full metallic = heavier slide = eats through gas for no real benefit. I could buy a new slide for mine to make it total metal, but all it would do would be to cost me £fourscore+ for a new slide, employ twice as much gas, and make it shoot slower. So a total waste matter of coin, actually.

Fire-support, Zero One, and JD Airsoft. Can't go wrong with those 3 :nah:

You should start skirmishing, it'south awesome :yep:

(Original post past Potally_Tissed)
Full metal is overrated, there's zero wrong with a decent one that'south one-half plastic. Full metallic = heavier slide = eats through gas for no real do good. I could buy a new slide for mine to make it full metallic, only all it would do would exist to cost me £80+ for a new slide, use twice as much gas, and brand it shoot slower. And so a full waste product of money, actually.

Fire-support, Zero I, and JD Airsoft. Tin't go wrong with those three :nah:

You should outset skirmishing, it'southward awesome :yep:

I guess your correct! Total metal is more expensive, and it doesn't actually ameliorate the gun in anyway! Ok thanks for those do you have whatever item suggestions or favorites for a pistol?

There was a Uni society, but I just haven't had time

I have painted mine black! Even so mine is for filming purposes and not actually airsoft! :P Although, nosotros practise muck around with the guns where we tin can't be seen just not in actual events/skirmishes.

(Original post past ZRO)
I guess your right! Full metal is more expensive, and it doesn't actually improve the gun in anyway! Ok thanks for those do you take whatsoever particular suggestions or favorites for a pistol?

At that place was a Uni social club, but I just haven't had time

For a pistol, can't go incorrect with Tokyo Marui :nah: I'd get for ane of a Sig P226, Glock 17, Hi Capa, or FN 5-seven. The terminal one'southward a bit obscure the Howdy Capa isn't based on a real gun so finding a decent holster to fit information technology is a pain. If I wanted i now I'd probably go for the Glock. KWA or ASG (KWA clone) do good ones also, for about £30 less than the TM equivalent.

Which uni? :holmes:

(Original post by -aTOMic-)
I take painted mine black! Withal mine is for filming purposes and non really airsoft! :P Although, we do muck effectually with the guns where we can't be seen merely not in actual events/skirmishes.

Films/theatre etc is a valid defense for painting it a realistic color :yep:

(Original post by Potally_Tissed)
For a pistol, can't go incorrect with Tokyo Marui :nah: I'd get for i of a Sig P226, Glock 17, Hi Capa, or FN 5-vii. The final one's a bit obscure the Hullo Capa isn't based on a existent gun so finding a decent holster to fit it is a pain. If I wanted 1 at present I'd probably go for the Glock. KWA or ASG (KWA clone) practise good ones as well, for well-nigh £30 less than the TM equivalent.

Which uni? :holmes:

Films/theatre etc is a valid defense for painting it a realistic colour :yep:


Nosotros film in places that are quiet so the chances a member of the public will see us with the guns, let lone the police force, is very slim. And if the **** hits the fan and then I can always remove the stock, body and butt etc and discard of them!

(Original postal service past Potally_Tissed)
For a pistol, can't go wrong with Tokyo Marui :nah: I'd become for one of a Sig P226, Glock 17, Hi Capa, or FN 5-7. The last one'due south a bit obscure the How-do-you-do Capa isn't based on a real gun so finding a decent holster to fit information technology is a pain. If I wanted one now I'd probably become for the Glock. KWA or ASG (KWA clone) do good ones every bit well, for about £30 less than the TM equivalent.

Which uni? :holmes:

Films/theatre etc is a valid defense for painting it a realistic colour :yep:

Ok I'll check these out this evening and pick 1 :awesome: uhmm cov uni

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Do You Have Orange on a Airsoft Gun

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